Monday, 24 June 2013

Trying hard to be positive

Now I know I have ovarion cancer it is a relief.I start the chemo on wednesday and am so pleased at how quickly the specialst moved to get every thing in place.I am sleeping alot,mostly I think to stop the negative thoughts that want to go round and round in my head.I have been visited by people everyday,everyone so kind.One good friend has even made my bedroom perfect.I always felt I was an invisable  kind of person and the last two weeks have raised my moral enormously.I can't thank everyone enough,blogging friends and local friends.The chemo lasts for 5 months then another scan and more thoughts made on what next.But I know what has to be has to be.


  1. Healing vibes being sent your way.

  2. I'm sending positive thoughts and wishes for you in the time ahead.

  3. so sorry for your news, try to keep blogging, please as many of us visit but don't comment, but we are all thinking of you and supporting you, I found something portable in a box that I could stitch whenever I was sitting waiting was really usefull, best wishs tina

  4. It is such a gift to others to be able to appreciate you and tell you that they do, in words, and actions. I feel it is an honour to meet you and see what is going on in your life, to watch you develop as an artist, to hear about the goings on in the town, from the parties (oh my!) and the sewing group at the church, to the ramblings of the kitty (that was awhile ago,) and Tony's finds for his shop, and just to think of you often. You are in a warm place in my thoughts. I am happy to hear that you have those soldiers to help you fight that cancer to a victorious win for you. Bless, talk soon, Norma, x

  5. te transmets toutes mes pensées positives à travers ton suis heureuse de te savoir positive .continues à aller dans ton atelier, a rêver à tout ce que tu vas faire et surtout à te reposer .tout le plaisir est pour moi quand je peux te rencontrer
    gros bisous à toi et à Tony

  6. I have been thinking of you dear Jill, there is so much love and so many positive thoughts coming from everyone to help you get through this time. I wish I could give you a huge hug, so I'm sending you a virtual one, with much love to

  7. Dear Jill just got back from India and I am reading your post and sending you lots of love and praying for you to give you the strength to help you through this difficult time. Know that you will be in my thoughts constantly.

  8. Hello Dear Jill
    I was so sorry to read about your health issues and what lies ahead with your treatment even though it has changed and now you will be having surgery.
    Know there are many bloggers who will be thinking of you and if you could send me your address again I would love to send you a little something as encouragement through this difficult time!
    Big hugs,


I love to read the comments and thank you now if you should write one
They are all read and mean alot to me.