Saturday, 27 July 2013

Feeling so much better

I woke up yesterday and straight away knew I felt alot better,Stayed up quite a long time
and ate a little more.Today I feel even better,have fed the duck ,moorhens and cats.Pulled up a few weeds from the back garden and am wondering if I could make a chocolate cake?Just one week befor the next Chemio session but I know I will feel stronger , I'm sure there won't be problems and anyway I shall be ringing the bell even if its for nothing much.The doctor knew nothing of the problems but intends to find out.I still can't recognise my face in the mirror but at least I feel more like me.

Monday, 22 July 2013

My first chemo session.

I had my first chemo session exactly a week ago. I knew little about what would happen and here the medical service don't say much.I arrived at the hospital at nine and was soon in a single room being attached to a thing with drips and a couple of some sort of moniters one of which was reluctant to work but eventually the nurse said a cheerful bien and left..I had heard it would be about a 2to3 hour session.I was quite comfortable on a bed and had a good book to read.After an hour or so pain began and as time passed it got to be very unpleasent.I told myself this is how it is,but when dinner came round I refused it saying I had this pain.During those hours no one looked in on me at all.
I should have rung the bell,but stupidly thought that must be the way it was especially since no one had come in.The long and the short was that when the nurse did look at me she said  Mon Dieu!!!
The consultant came and sent for ice packs because my breast was swollen and my shoulder and arm
by then,What followed was pretty unpleasent but more was to come.I was then hooked up to more stuff which I think was to wash out all the other .After 2-3 hours a nurse came in and hooked me up to more stuff until 6:00 when Tony came to collect me.9 hours,I still can't believe it.I'm told I was quite high when we left and the next day so I suspect it was because of something I was given, The hell set in wednesday afternoon and night.Lovely nurses have come daily and I did manage  to ask if they had any idea what happened.I am seeing my doctor on wednesday so hope to find out more because my biggest problem is the next session.I am feeling pleased with myself because I have managed to stay up for most of the day and am eating again and showered and read for a while.I am tired now ,wish it was cooler,sleep is difficult when it is so hot.Thank you again for your support,it is something I have needed but am still trying to be positive.

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Being miserable.

When I came home from hospital last week I felt really sorry for myself.I hurt in so many places ,when I looked in a mirror I saw this ghostly person with horrible dull hair,my face looks a sort of grey yellow colour.As the days have passed and the pain lessened I began to feel better.My daughter sent me a wonderful  sort of cap,its very pretty and made for hair loss.I read so many of your kind comments.One friend came several times and always manages to make me laugh.We have swapped some clothes,hers are too small for her and mine too large for me.Shortly the nurse will arrive to take out the stitches and give me my daily jab.My legs have quite a jolly purple polka dot pattern,I almost wished I had pre drawn a pattern to be followed,but then the first ones will soon begin to fade away,
Am having my hair thinned out and much shorter at the weekend.
I'm told I shall feel even more tired than now,I am sure you get used to it and can get on and do some good things.