I have enjoyed myself making lots of squares and using different stitches on top of each strip. I couched a cord I had added some different coloured threads and beads to and hand stitched that on. Then I realised I had quite a pile of squares ,I'd thought of cutting them in half and using them as edging but changed my mind. I liked one square better than the others and decided I could make a bag using it. So I suddenly found myself making the insects, I made them separately as I realised the square would be too thick to embroider them straight onto it .
Why I choose such similar colours I've no idea so to morrow I shall sew some more and hope I will make one that stands out more.I have written in my journal,once I began it was difficult to stop, but reading about one of the first and probably the most painful events in my life I was able to see it differently.I feel certain it will do me so much good to carry on.
Tony and I went to the Village New Years do on Saturday, and the mayor mentioned in his speech that we will start the group again.
We meet in the school hall again this thursday,there will be more people than before Christmas so I have had to organise myself.Several people want to make cloth dolls but I am going to begin with faces as for me the face has to be right the rest will follow. Some would like to do patchwork and others make fabric cards !!!!!!!!!!!It will be fun.
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Ten wpis powstał całkiem szybko, jest prosty i niewymagający jakiś
specjalnych zabiegów. Ale czasami warto zrobić nawet coś takiego. Dla mnie
to sposób na ...
14 hours ago